Grant funded partners needed to decarbonise maritime

Grant funded partners needed to decarbonise maritime

7 Aug 2023

Peter Holland

Knowledge Transfer Manager:

"Innovate UK KTN is working on the ground-breaking opportunity of the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition Round 4 that continues to shape the future of maritime decarbonisation.

As a visionary small vessel owner or port operator, your expertise is instrumental in making these ambitious projects a reality.

We are in the process of supporting dozens of projects that aim to revolutionise the way vessels are powered and enhance port infrastructure. The vision is to create a sustainable and efficient maritime ecosystem that not only accelerates trade but also promotes environmental conservation.

Here's why we need you on board:

Innovative Vessels: As a small vessel owner, your insight into the current challenges and potential for improvement is invaluable. Your vessels play a pivotal role in coastal trade and tourism. With your participation, we can explore opportunities for greener, more technologically advanced vessels that enhance performance and reduce carbon footprints.

Modern Port Facilities: For port owners, this venture offers a unique chance to modernise your facilities and optimise operations. Your expertise in managing port infrastructure will contribute significantly to the funding applications, helping secure the necessary resources to transform ports into hubs of sustainable commerce.

Economic Growth: By joining hands, you can tap into new revenue streams and stimulate regional economic growth. An efficient maritime network benefits not only businesses but also communities along the coastline, bringing prosperity and development.

Environmental Stewardship: We firmly believe that progress should never come at the expense of our planet. By collaborating with these projects, small vessel owners and port operators can incorporate eco-friendly practices and technologies, ensuring a harmonious coexistence between maritime activities and the environment.

Strong Network and Support: Participating in this venture means becoming part of Innovate UK KTN’s powerful network of like-minded individuals and organisations. Together, we can advocate for common interests, share best practices, and shape industry standards.

We invite you to embark on this journey with us by lending your expertise to projects looking for partners for their funding applications. Together, we can unlock immense opportunities and chart a course towards a thriving maritime future.

If you are interested in partnering or have any questions, reach out to us at

Let’s stand together and create a legacy that will benefit generations to come."