Government release Biosecurity Strategy for Great Britain (2023-2028)

Government release Biosecurity Strategy for Great Britain (2023-2028)

9 Jan 2023

The government has today published a Biosecurity Strategy for Great Britain (2023-2028). It is available to download here: Plant biosecurity strategy for Great Britain (2023 to 2028) - GOV.UK (

In the joint ministerial foreward by Lord Benyon, it was stated that "Biosecurity is increasingly recognised not just as an important tool in the fight against climate change, but also in reducing poverty and hunger and boosting economic development. We all have a collective responsibility to protect plant health. This is why this strategy has been developed in partnership with industry, landowners, non-government organisations, the scientific community and the wider public. It sets out joint commitments on how we are working together to protect plant biosecurity in Great Britain".

There are four key outcomes defined:

Outcome 1: a world class biosecurity regime

Making the most of opportunities to tailor and strengthen our response to prevent and manage the introduction and spread of pests and pathogens that pose a threat to Great Britain’s plant health.

Outcome 2: a society that values healthy plants

Raising awareness of the importance of healthy plants and trees and encouraging the adoption of responsible behaviours across society.

Outcome 3: a biosecure plant supply chain

Government and industry working in partnership to support a biosecure plant supply chain.

Outcome 4: an enhanced technical capability

Building plant health science capability and making best use of both existing and innovative technology to keep pace with changing threats and ensure preparedness for the future.