Future GB MRL amendments (adopted October 2022)

Future GB MRL amendments (adopted October 2022)

10 Nov 2022

Ethoprophos, fenamidone, methiocarb, propiconazole and pymetrozine are no longer approved active substances in GB and all plant protection product authorisations have been withdrawn.

As notified in our previous ebulletin on 4 July 2022, it was proposed to lower all MRLs to the limit of quantification, as harmful effects on human health could not be excluded.

Following completion of the notification process to the World Trade Organization, new MRLs at the limit of quantification for ethoprophos, fenamidone, methiocarb, propiconazole and pymetrozine have now been adopted. The new MRLs were adopted on 24 October 2022.

In order to allow trading partners and food business operators time to adjust to the new lower MRLs, the date of entry into force of the new MRLs is 24 April 2023.

The future MRLs can be reviewed in the decision documents on HSE's webpage MRL reviews.

The current MRLs in the GB MRL Statutory Register have an expiry date of 23 April 2023 and the new MRLs will appear in the register from 24 April 2023.

View more information and guidance on the MRL processes for GB

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