Feeding the future - Working together to build the National Food Strategy

Feeding the future - Working together to build the National Food Strategy

8 Oct 2021

The UK food and drink industry is calling for industry and government to work together to meet the challenges of feeding the nation in a new report published by the Food and Drink Sector Council - ‘Feeding the Future: Working together to build the National Food Strategy’.

This collaborative report sets out the food and drink industry’s contribution to the UK Government’s forthcoming National Food Strategy, as well as the Council’s clear vision, ambition and solutions to accelerate the transition to a food system of the future.

Our vision is a thriving UK farm-to-fork food sector that is innovative, collaborative and globally competitive:

  • that provides fantastic, affordable food sustainably and to the highest standards;
  • that supports healthier diets and encourages better choices;
  • that offers exciting business and employment opportunities throughout the food chain;
  • that reconnects people with the food they eat and the natural environment where it is grown;
  • and that together this creates a distinctive and much-loved food culture in every part of the country.

The report addresses the key challenges of increasing productivity, raising skills, investing in innovation and technology, improving sustainability, and enabling healthier diets. To deliver the industry’s vision for 2030, the report calls for a strong partnership between industry and the governments in London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast, building on existing collaboration, to effectively deliver a coherent food policy across Whitehall departments and Devolved Administrations.

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