FAO Gene editing and agri-food systems

FAO Gene editing and agri-food systems

19 Apr 2023

"Elimination of hunger and improvement in nutrition will require major transformations of agri-food systems in many parts of the world.
Innovative applications of science and technology will play significant roles in the necessary transformations.

Gene-editing technology, including CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats), represents one of the most recent advances in genetics and its application to plant and animal breeding, and is set to contribute to improvements in many aspects of agricultural production. It has the potential to help satisfy the increasing global demand for food and agricultural products."

Please follow the links below, to read more about this science- and evidence-based Issue Paper on gene editing and agri-food systems which presents a balanced discussion of the most pertinent aspects of gene editing, including the consequences for human hunger, human health, food safety, effects on the environment, animal welfare, socioeconomic impact and distribution of benefits.

FAO Gene editing and agrifood systems

FAO Gene editing and food safety