EPR and Recycling Assessment Webinar 17/8/23  11.30am

EPR and Recycling Assessment Webinar 17/8/23 11.30am

14 Aug 2023

As Defra continue their engagement work on fees for EPR for packaging, they would like to invite stakeholders to influence packaging recyclability and fee modulation by joining a webinar on Thursday 17 August 2023, from 11.30am.

The 90-minute session will introduce attendees to two separate pieces of work under development to assess the recyclability of all packaging. This is so packaging can be labelled correctly and work effectively alongside the modulation of fees. The two projects are:

  1. The materials/packaging formats which may be modulated with increased fees, and the approach to modulation in year one (i.e. year two of EPR), including the full packaging reporting list
  2. The development of the Recycling Assessment Methodology (RAM)

The session will feature presentations from the Defra team overseeing these areas of work, and our environmental consultants, Eunomia, who have been appointed to develop the RAM. There will also be an opportunity during the webinar to ask questions to draw on stakeholder expertise as we develop these projects.

To join, please click here to register for the webinar.