Customs Processes Streamlined for 2024 and 2025

Customs Processes Streamlined for 2024 and 2025

7 Dec 2023

The Government has today announced next steps on a package of improvements to streamline customs processes and reduce admin burdens for businesses. These measures were first announced at Spring Budget 2023 before a programme of consultation and engagement with the border industry on a number of policy areas over the summer.

The measures, set to be delivered across 2024 and 2025, include:

  • introducing a voluntary standard for the customs intermediary sector
  • simplifying customs declarations by cutting the amount of data traders must provide by up to a quarter
  • supporting key sectors, including creative, arts and sports, with potential improvements to the procedure for temporarily importing goods
  • simplifying and digitising the customs and excise authorisation systems
  • allowing more traders to use customs facilitations that delay duty payment without the cost of a financial guarantee
  • improving the Transit procedure, making movements cheaper, easier and more accessible.

Summary of customs simplification measures: December 2023 - GOV.UK (