Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system - Tuesday 10 May 2022 10am to 12pm (midday)

Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system - Tuesday 10 May 2022 10am to 12pm (midday)

5 May 2022

Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system - Tuesday 10 May 2022 10am to 12pm (midday):

Due to scheduled work on CHIEF, there may be some disruption to our GVMS online service from 10am to midday Tuesday 10 May 2022. The following actions linked to CHIEF may be affected:

  • create or update a Goods Movement Reference (GMR) — an error will occur if CHIEF declarations are being associated to the goods movement reference
  • check-in goods movement references (GMRs) (outbound) — goods movement references with CHIEF declarations will go to a ‘controlled’ state and when the maintenance ends:
    • queued messages will be processed
    • the risking response may change from ‘controlled’ to ‘release’
    • embark goods movement reference (outbound) — departure messages will be queued and will be processed and updated when the maintenance ends
  • embark goods movement reference (inbound) — goods movement references with CHIEF declarations will go to a ‘controlled state’ and when the maintenance ends:
    • queued messages will be processed
    • the risking response may change from ‘controlled’ to ‘release’

You will still be able to enter and validate Customs Declaration Service and New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) declarations to get a goods movement reference during this downtime.

Carriers with inbound crossings on the short straits (Dover and Eurotunnel only):

Due to the timings of the crossings, any GMRs which are embarked during the period of downtime will not update by the end of the crossing and will remain in a ‘controlled’ status.

Carriers should switch off the GMR validation step of the check-in process within their booking system from 10am to midday Tuesday 10 May 2022.

Carriers should continue to collect GMRs for crossings during the period of downtime. GMRs remain mandatory for freight movements using GVMS and hauliers without a GMR should be turned away.

Where possible, carriers should take action to retrospectively check in and embark any GMRs captured during the period of downtime once GVMS is available again from midday Tuesday 10 May 2022.

During this downtime, hauliers moving via Dover or Eurotunnel will not need to attend an Inland Border Facility unless they are instructed to by a customs officer, or

  1. if they are moving goods that are going to an office of departure or office of destination (starting or ending a transit movement),
  2. using any carnet or other document (such as a CITES permit) that needs to be processed by Border Force.

Carriers using GVMS at Standard Exports locations:

During the maintenance period, messages from CHIEF to GVMS will be held in a queue and GMRs containing CHIEF declarations will be initially set as a “controlled” status. When CHIEF becomes available the messages will be sent and any cleared GMRs without outstanding inspections will update from “controlled” to “release”.

Therefore, in order to avoid congestion at check-in, for all outbound standard exports crossings carriers should switch off the GMR validation step of the check in process within your booking system from 10am to midday Tuesday 10 May 2022.

Continue to collect GMRs for crossings during the period of downtime. GMRs remain mandatory for freight movements using GVMS and hauliers without a GMR should be turned away.

Where possible, take action to retrospectively check in and / or embark any GMRs captured during the period of downtime once GVMS is available again from midday Tuesday 10 May 2022.

All other carriers:
Carriers should not turn off GMR validation during this period of downtime. They should continue to collect, validate and embark GMRs for crossings during the period of downtime. GMRs remain mandatory for freight movements using GVMS and hauliers without a valid GMR should be turned away.

Members should note that our colleague from HMRC’s Chief Digital & Information Officer Team, Adam West, will be attending Monday’s JCCC Group Meeting and will be able to field any questions that members have linked to the above during his agenda item. As ever, members are welcome to contact the Secretariat – details below - if any other assistance is required.

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