Court imposes ten year Slavery and Trafficking Risk Order

Court imposes ten year Slavery and Trafficking Risk Order

6 Sept 2021

A court has handed a man a Slavery and Trafficking Risk Order (STRO) lasting for 10 years after investigations by the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA).

Stoica Tudor, whose last known address is Tineretului Street, Giurgiu, Romania, was initially subject to an interim STRO following a hearing at Salford and Manchester Magistrates’ Court in April this year.

An application for a full STRO was approved at Tameside Magistrates’ Court on Monday August 23.

The 33-year-old must follow all of the restrictions within the STRO, with any breaches classed as a criminal offence carrying a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

Tudor must not coerce or instruct anyone else to travel into or out of the UK.

He is prevented from arranging or assisting employment for anyone other than himself, and must not arrange either travel or transport of anyone to work other than immediate family members.

The final parts of the order forbid Tudor from possessing, controlling or using anyone’s bank card or PIN without their permission and from renting or sub-letting any property unless it is to his immediate family.

GLAA Senior Investigating Officer Martin Plimmer said: “It has been pleasing to see that the order has been upgraded from an interim STRO to one that now lasts until 2031.

“Having the order in place for the next decade is a very effective way of ensuring that any future potential misdemeanours are quickly tackled and addressed.

“We expect full co-operation with the order and will not hesitate to take further action if we identify any breaches.”

If you believe someone has been exploited for their labour, call the GLAA’s intelligence team on 0800 4320804 or email

Alternatively, call the Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121 700 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.