Consultation - UK Single Trade Window - Your view is required

Consultation - UK Single Trade Window - Your view is required

21 Jul 2022

Please be aware of the government’s consultation relating to the UK Single Trade Window (STW), published today on GOV.UK, here. The consultation paper sets out the UK government’s proposed approach to four key areas, where it is expected legislation will be needed to enable the full functionality of the STW:

  • The collection, use and sharing of data within government;
  • Enabling government visibility, and use of, supply chain data;
  • Facilitating trade through targeted international data sharing with other countries and territories; and
  • Transitioning to the STW as the sole point of entry for border data required for transactional processes.

They are interested in any views or feedback you may have so that they can ensure the STW improves UK businesses’ ability to import and export by reducing costs and burdens and, ultimately, drives economic growth.

The closing date is 15th September 2022.

Your feedback will inform the approach the government takes to legislating to enable the STW. Should you wish to discuss the proposals, please contact

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21 Jul 2022