Common Transit Convention Systems Maintenance

Common Transit Convention Systems Maintenance

28 Jul 2022

Saturday 6th August at 22:00, HMRC will be performing maintenance on systems that link HMRC with other members of the Common Transit Convention. This will pause NCTS GB messaging to other CTC members. Traders will not be prevented from receiving release notifications and will be able to commence journeys as normal. There may be a period of approximately 45 minutes where destination nations are not made aware of journeys that have been declared in that 45 minute period until the 45 minute period has ended – information will be queued and not lost.

For Example: If a declaration is made at 22:00, or 22:30 the destination jurisdiction will only become aware of it from 22:46.

There will be enhanced monitoring from the NCTS engineer team during this period. Should contingency need to be invoked and the change reversed, the system will be restored to pre-change state before 00:00. We will not need to invoke BCP. Transit declaration creation and GVMS support of NCTS movements will not be affected by the proposed change.