Closure of PEACH from 8th April 2024

Closure of PEACH from 8th April 2024

6 Mar 2024

As of 00:00:01 Monday 8 April 2024, current users of the PEACH system will no longer be able to log onto PEACH, therefore it will not be possible to submit import pre-notifications using this system. You must register for the IPAFFS system and start using IPAFFS now.

Importers must be registered with a UK address within IPAFFS to ensure they can submit import pre-notifications. Please visit this link if you need to register for IPAFFS.

To ensure full registration information is provided, please ensure that links to an agent (if required) and address book are up to date and ready to use for your import notification.

IPAFFS Training

To support your transition from PEACH to IPAFFS we continue to hold weekly 1-hour training sessions that provide a live walkthrough of the new process. Please register for a time that suits you via the links below.

Invitation to register and submit notifications via IPAFFS – Training Links

You can also watch our pre-recorded training session here.

Guidance on IPAFFS is available on GOV.UK. and further details visit our Plant Health Information Portal Import IT Systems page. You will be able to find the following information: