CHIEF removal and transition to CDS

CHIEF removal and transition to CDS

21 Nov 2022

HMRC will be writing to a small number of traders that are still using CHIEF for import declarations to provide ten working days for them to move new import declarations to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS). If they continue to make declarations on CHIEF after ten days, we will start the process of removing their ability to make new import declarations on CHIEF. They can still access existing declarations, make supplementary import declarations if needed and make new export declarations if required. Those who are taking steps to move to CDS but require a little extra time to complete their preparations, can apply for an extension to use CHIEF, provided they have an acceptable business reason.

We will be including links to the help and support available on GOV.UK for CDS as well as our YouTube videos.

This activity does not affect those who have permission from HMRC to continue to use CHIEF for imports, either through an agreed extension or because functionality does not yet support their migration. Neither does it affect those making export declarations on CHIEF – this is for import declarations only.

For any problems with CDS, customers should contact us at one of these channels, or speak to their Account Manager or Customer Compliance Manager if they have one.

For critical issues experienced outside of our main customer service hours, please call our Customs and International Trade helpline on 0300 322 9434 and choose option one. If the issue is more complex, you can email 24/7 technical support for CDS. Both channels are available for critical issues only from 8pm to 8am weekdays and weekends.