CDS for Exports - Error Workarounds Updated

CDS for Exports - Error Workarounds Updated

7 Sept 2023

All export declarations are due to move from our Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS).

HMRC are working to make sure CDS supports all export routes and all types of export declarations currently submitted at the border.

Helping customers submit export declarations

The Known Error Workarounds for the Customs Declaration Service has been updated to include the very latest workarounds to allow customers to submit export declarations through CDS. This document will be updated each month. We will be sharing this information directly with customers who already use CDS for exports, as well as any future candidates for early adoption.

Workarounds are provided to support customers using CDS while it is still in the final stages of its development.

These latest updates confirm:

  • Declarants must include the full Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) details within their CDS Exports Declaration, for goods exiting via a GVMS location, otherwise GVMS will reject the GMR (Goods Movement Reference) when the declaration (DUCR) reference is used.
  • Declarants and consolidators must not create CDS Master Unique Consignment References (MUCR) for goods exiting via a GVMS location.
  • What to expect when submitting movement/consolidation messages in the Trader Dress Rehearsal (TDR) for a MUCR or declaration that does not exist in CDS.