Calls for Evidence - Future of Customs Declarations

Calls for Evidence - Future of Customs Declarations

29 Jun 2023

HMRC have today launched calls for evidence on potential simplifications to customs declarations and the use of technology to facilitate declarations and other customs processes and on how they can improve the Temporary Admission procedure in the UK simplifying processes for traders and individuals.

Details can be found on GOV.UK:

HMRC will be hosting launch events on 5 July and 13 July for discussions around the future of customs declarations, and on 17 and 20 July for discussions on bringing goods into the UK temporarily.

If you are interested in attending one of the events, you will need to contact : by 3 July and 11 July respectively for the consultation on the future of customs declarations, and by 12 July for the consultation on bringing goods into the UK temporarily.

HMRC would also be particularly interested in the views of our members and would like to work with you to setup roundtables with members so that they can hear your thoughts. Please let us know whether this is something you’d be able to help arrange by emailing

HMRC envisage setting these events up in July and August to provide time for the call for evidence to be considered.

Any responses or queries about these calls for evidence should be sent to: for the future of customs declarations for bringing goods temporarily into the UK