2025 UK Border Strategy

2025 UK Border Strategy

24 Jul 2020

The UK Government has opened a public consultation to invite businesses and industry to share ideas and evidence to help develop a 2025 UK Border Strategy.

According to the consultation: “The Strategy aims to set out how we will transform the UK border into the world’s most effective and efficient by 2025. Input and expertise from businesses and industry will ensure that the future border is designed with the user in mind and in a way which Government can deliver in partnership with you.”

“This consultation follows the publication of the Border Operating Model on Monday 13 July that set out how businesses and industry can prepare for the end of the Transition Period. The consultation is not seeking views on the end of the Transition Period or preparations for leaving the EU’s Custom’s Union and Single Market. Rather it seeks to look ahead to the future and explore what major transformations the UK needs to deliver over the long-term to deliver the world’s most effective border by 2025

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