Groceries Supply Code of Practice - Code Confident Pack

The Groceries Supply Code of Practice (the Code) exists to ensure that the UK’s largest groceries retailers treat their direct suppliers lawfully and fairly across a range of supply chain practices. Direct suppliers are covered whether they are based inside or outside the UK

These are the Cost Price Increases 7 golden rules:

  • Clear communication from the outset by retailers about the process and how long it will take;
  • Awareness, and prioritisation, of the possible greater impact on smaller suppliers;
  • Support for buyers from colleagues who have experience of dealing with CPI requests;
  • Only asking for the specific information from suppliers that is needed to make a CPI decision;
  • Clear communication of the outcome, so there can be no grey areas;
  • No automatic delists or fixed delist notice periods following CPI negotiations;
  • Reminding buyers about abiding by competition law e.g. never asking suppliers about other retailers’ plans or retail prices.

A link to the most recently updated Code can be found here:

Code Confident pack - GOV.UK (

Suppliers can get in touch with GCA directly here: at or by sending an anonymous message at

Alternatively, members can speak in confidence to the FPC for guidance and support.